How I Use Jasper as a Content Strategist

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As the founder of a content marketing agency, I wanted to learn the ins and outs of AI content creation to tell if it’s actually helpful to startups. In this article, I’ll share how I like to use it and my thoughts on the ethics of using it. First things first…

AI is pretty neat 

Verblio conducted a survey where they asked thousands of content marketers if they could tell whether sentences were written by humans or AI and no one could tell the difference.

On a sentence level, AI is powerful. But that being said, it’s not great at creating an entire piece of content.

Think of Jasper as a writer’s assistant, not a replacement

In a tool like, you can open a blank document and write commands like, “Write a title for an article on AI” or “Write an introductory paragraph.”

I’ll often throw commands in if I want help ideating. That being said, I don’t use it to create entire articles. And while it’s very helpful to me as a writer, there are a lot of reasons why it’s not a replacement for a content writer or strategist:

  • AI isn’t authentic. If you’re using an organic tool like content to connect with customers, then you need to be authentic. You need to write in your voice (or company voice) and share what only you know 

  • AI can’t regurgitate your beliefs, experiences, and knowledge about your niche. It can only spit out what it’s found online (which is a lot of regurgitated fluff)

  • AI can write some good content only if you give it good inputs

  • AI requires a babysitter coaching it on what to create 

  • AI cannot replace a strategist deciding which pieces to create 

  • AI cannot publish your content for you

  • AI doesn’t know what your product does and how it ties into the topic at hand 

  • Therefore, AI won’t be able to tie its outline/writing seamlessly to the value of your product

  • AI doesn’t understand who your audience is and the jargon they use 

  • AI won’t follow your editorial guidelines unless you set up a lot of parameters to make it follow your “rules”

  • AI doesn’t format your content beautifully or in a reader-friendly way

  • AI doesn’t know when to make something a bulleted list versus a paragraph or how to visually balance a piece of writing 

  • AI cannot distribute your content and generate referral traffic for you

It’s important to keep this in mind when you join Jasper and start using it to create content.

How I Use Jasper and the Benefits I’ve Noticed


I started using Jasper a few months ago and quickly picked up how to use it (no tutorials needed). I usually navigate to the Documents section:

From there, I open a blank document and start writing commands. Here are the frequent commands I’ll use:

  • Create 5 titles for an article on [insert article topic]

  • Write an introductory paragraph on [article topic]

  • Write about [insert specific topic]

I’ve been writing on the internet for almost a decade and, I’ll be honest, I don’t always love the outputs. I think of them as starting points. Like I said above, it’s helpful from an ideating perspective.

Instead of staring at a blank page or starting every sentence, it helps get the ball rolling.

I’ll then pull edited sentences into my own document and keep going on my own.

Call me old fashioned but I prefer the logical flow of articles written by humans. There’s typically a unique tone of voice, or a sense of logical unfolding, that AI isn’t great at replicating yet. But when it comes to staring at a blank document, is invaluable at getting that first sentence started.

Sign up for if you need a tool to assist with your writing process

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