Marketing Kasia Manolas Marketing Kasia Manolas

SEO Basics: How to Reach an Audience Through Google

Any time you Google “how to make breakfast tacos” Google’s algorithm decides what’s relevant to show you. Google doesn’t tell people how their algorithm works, but they’ve hinted at what elements matter and we talk about those in this post. As a whole, their algorithm recommends content that other visitors have enjoyed, stayed on the page, and shared with other people via links and social shares.

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Marketing Kasia Manolas Marketing Kasia Manolas

How I Use Jasper as a Content Strategist

As the founder of a content marketing agency, I wanted to learn the ins and outs of AI content creation to tell if it’s actually helpful to startups. In this article, I’ll share how I like to use it and my thoughts on the ethics of using it.

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